Our curriculum
Our curriculum is far more than a set of subjects and qualifications. We aim to offer opportunities for our students to experience creativity, awe and wonder; but we also have the high expectation that students will gain the well-developed knowledge and skills that come from hard work and hard thinking and will prepare them best for success in examinations and in later life. We plan for the highest aspirations and aim to ensure that all students have positive attitudes to learning; that they are all helpful, kind and dedicated members of the school and wider community who care about each other.
Year 7 and 8
When students arrive in Year 7 they have five lessons of English each fortnight. For these lessons they are set within two year halves. They get six lessons of maths and six of science for which they are also set. They have one lesson each of the National Curriculum subjects of RE, DT and art, and two of history, geography, music, computer science, citizenship/RHSE and music. They have three periods of PE. They also have the opportunity to experience dance and drama. One important aspect of our curriculum that marks us out from many other schools is that students have five periods of modern foreign languages, and study both French and Spanish. One group in Year 7 have a slightly adjusted timetable and only study one language. In Year 8, the curriculum has a similar structure, but with a lesson more of English, six of maths and two of RE, art and DT.
Year 9
In Year 9 students continue to pursue a full range of subjects, but the balance shifts slightly towards humanities and they get to study geography and history in more depth with three periods a fortnight in both those subjects. Since they are expected to study one of those subjects at GCSE, it makes sense that they have a more in-depth experience of those subjects before they make their options choice.
Years 10 and 11
In these years, students embark fully on Key Stage 4 studies having made their final option choices. All students study a range of core subjects that include English, mathematics, science, philosophy and ethics, and their chosen modern foreign language. Personal, social and health education and work-related learning remain an important part of the curriculum in Key Stage 4.
Key Stage Five
Many students choose to continue their education at Blythe Bridge High School & Sixth Form after Year 11, and some join us for the first time at this stage. Students get to choose from a range of over 20 A level and vocational courses. They also follow a detailed tutorial programme which supports the formal curriculum through themed topics.
Within and beyond the classroom we hope to give our students unforgettable spots of time and for our students to become expert learners. They will be self-regulating, aware of their own progress and able to think about their own learning, but also able to lose themselves in tasks and experience ‘flow’. They will be willing to take risks and try a variety of approaches and be independent while they are doing it. They will feel the intrinsic buzz of learning for its own sake. We know that our students will play their best and fullest part in the world when they know the best that has been said, written and done, so we make reading and developing cultural capital central to all parts of the life of our school. We help them to develop a concrete and clear vision of themselves as successful learners in a career or other role in future life.
Curriculum Provision 2020-21
Curriculum Provision 2021-22