Blythe Bridge High School & Sixth Form Pupil Premium Strategy
The Pupil Premium is additional school funding paid by means of a specific grant based on school census figures for students registered as eligible for Free School Meals, Ever 6 (children who have been in receipt of FSM within the last 6 years), Looked After Children/Adopted children, children whose parents are currently in the armed forces.
The Recovery Premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the academic year. Building on the pupil premium, this funding will help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting these pupils.
The Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium funding will be used by this school to address any inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the students who need it most.
What we do:
The strategies we have implemented are all drawn from current educational research, such as the EEF, and their impact is carefully tracked and monitored within school. Governors continue to monitor funded activities ensuring that they are targeted specifically at eligible students and evaluate the outcomes. We use a multi-strand approach to our support.
- Our culture & ethos;
Our staff take responsibility for the learning and progress of all students and have high expectations of all. Due to the relatively small numbers of students in receipt of the pupil premium, mentors within pastoral support, work with individuals and families to raise aspirations and develop a flexible, tailored approach to support. We will ensure secure and well supported transitions, including future destinations.
- Continually strive to develop teaching and learning;
The funding will be used to close the gap between the achievement of our students and their peers both nationally and within the school through the continual development of ‘Quality First Teaching’. We will provide stretch and challenge for individuals.
- Improve the effectiveness of interventions and deploy skilled staff;
We frequently evaluate, through rigorous data tracking, the effectiveness of the interventions we offer. We train our support staff and teachers to deliver the highest quality interventions that reap the greatest benefits for our children in terms of maximising their progress. The Pupil Premium will be used to remove barriers to learning and provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for students in this category.
- Increase the opportunities for enriching and inspiring experiences
We will ensure that the additional funding reaches the students who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education. We will endeavour to broaden experiences and widen opportunities for students by ensuring they have access to and are fully engaged in all aspects of school life and beyond.
- Equal access and removal of material barriers
The school will recognize that disadvantaged students are diverse, that many are more able and also come into ‘LAC’ and ‘SEND’ categories, and that all have many other unique characteristics. We will identify and remove barriers, including any literacy and numeracy at KS3 and low levels of attendance. As far as its powers allow, the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for the Pupil Premium and others.
Pupil Premium Impact Statement 2022-23
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24