At Blythe Bridge High School & Sixth Form, all Year 10 students are supported through one week of work experience, which takes place in the Summer term. Year 12 students also have the opportunity to undertake a second work experience placement, during the Summer term. This is an excellent opportunity for students to experience a ‘week in the life’ of a career of their choice. We have numerous links with local employers, and our students enjoy stepping out into the world of work, confirming or helping to shape their future career plans.
It is never too early to start thinking about your placement. Plenty of information, guidance and support is available in school, through form tutors, the careers advisor, and the Curriculum Leader for Dance, Miss Housley, who also co-ordinates work experience. Work experience is hugely beneficial to students and the feedback from both students and employers year on year is hugely positive. Students grow in confidence, develop their communication skills, and demonstrate greater independence. Students are able to put skills learnt in school into practice in a context of their choice, and can see first hand what the world of work has to offer. Students return to school with a renewed sense of purpose, motivation to succeed, and an increased awareness of what is required of them to succeed in a particular field of employment.