Catch-up 7 - Blythe Bridge High School & Sixth Form
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Catch-up 7

Year 7 Catch-up Funding

The literacy and numeracy catch-up funding gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 students who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2.

Schools in receipt of catch-up 7 funding must publish the following online:

  • The funding allocation for the current academic year
  • Details of how we intend to spend our allocation
  • Details of how we spent our previous year’s allocation
  • How last year’s allocation made a difference to the attainment of the students who benefit from the funding


Catch-up 7 funding is received for Year 7 students who did not achieve the expected standard in reading and/or mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2. Last year £14,000 was received by the school.

The funds are primarily intended to help students to improve their level of attainment in maths and/or reading.

This funding was used in the following ways:

  • TA interventions in classes, particularly maths and English
  • In-class small group work
  • Stoke City Community Project interventions
  • Guided group reading for comprehension
  • 1:1 reading interventions
  • 1:1 numeracy interventions
  • Homework club
  • Students in smaller classes
  • Maths apps
  • Home access to VLE learning packages
  • Tailored TA support and intervention during the Covid-19 partial closure

Following baseline assessments at the beginning of year 7, students undertook specific support sessions. In maths the assessments identified the following areas of weakness:

Subtracting decimals, multiplying decimals, long division, percentages, long multiplication, adding fractions, dividing fractions, fractions of amounts, subtracting fractions, number properties, ratio, reverse problems, reading scales.

Lessons were then created around these topics with a tailored approach.

For 2019-20, the whole curriculum for the catch up 7 cohort was changed to allow students to have additional lessons in core subjects and to minimise the number of teaching staff they have to provide greater continuity and support. Staff delivered an alternative curriculum to better suit the needs of these students. There were regular assessments during the year to look at progress and attainment.

Intended use of allocation 2020/21

  • Catch-up 7 students will continue to be taught in smaller sets
  • Both the English and maths department will review the catch-up 7 students as a specific cohort and intervene if necessary to ensure that students are making the maximum progress
  • Literacy intervention in English
  • Guided group reading for comprehension
  • 1:1 and small group reading interventions
  • Maths lesson addressing gaps in Year 6/7 knowledge and understanding (6-week programme)
  • Maths apps
  • “Audible” audio reading materials